What is Macro?

“Macro” refers to a photographic setup which is capable of reproducing something on the sensor at or larger than its original size. In other words, if you are shooting pictures of a bug which is 1 inch long, your lens should project a focused image that is 1 inch long on the camera sensor.

What is Macro

Macro photography is the world of small things; it is a way to take photos that are different from others. It is not how the world normally sees things so when you photograph something in macro it is obviously different.

Why Macro is Different?

Macro photography is a ton of fun and a great way to explore and transform the world around you. It’s amazing how true macro can change even the most mundane objects.

Here are some points why macro is different from others like product photography, fashion photography, commercial photography and so on:

1. Equipments

You can’t do macro photography alone. You need some equipment to do macro. This equipment makes macro photography different from others. Here are some equipments:

  • A tripod
  • A remote trigger
  • A flash or light source
  • Macro lens


2. Camera setting

Are you struggling to get sharp macro photos even though you’re using a tripod? While every shot is different, there are some specific camera settings for macro photography that every photographer should use. You have to control your camera setting more carefully during macro photography. You should draw your attention especially in those subjects:

  • Focus
  • White Balance
  • Shooting Mode
  • Exposure
  • ISO
  • Aperture

Camera setting

3. Distance from Subject

If you want to capture a macro image of a subject you need to get close to your subject. Macro photos are often thought of as close-ups, but as macro pros know all too well, you don’t really want to get too close trying to do it.

Distance from Subject

4. Depth of Field

The biggest different when shooting macro is depth of field. The closer you get to your subject, the shallower the region of sharp focus becomes. When you are a matter of a few inches away, the depth of field drops off dramatically and you normally find that it is extremely difficult to get your whole subject in focus.

Depth of Field

5. Lens

If you want to capture an object in macro you must need a macro lens. Macro lenses are very fun to use – the results from macro photography can also be very fun. And the unusually close look at these typically-small subjects is beautiful and intriguing.


The world of macro is not micro, it is so large. Hopefully this has given you some idea of the difference between macro photography and general photography.

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