how to edit ecommerce photos

E-commerce industry runs by good photographs. High-quality product photographs are the keys to success for e-commerce business. The customers who buy products online purchase products which seems impressive in e-commerce websites. So you have to be careful while choosing the photos for your e-commerce business. For posting impressive product photographs on your e-commerce websites, you have to go for an ecommerce product photo editing service.

E-commerce photo editing gives you flawless product photos which helps you to boost the conversion rate of your sales. In this article we will share with you how to edit ecommerce photos that is discussed elaborately below.

Tips on How to Edit Ecommerce Photos

Edit yourself by using photo editing apps

Edit yourself by using photo editing apps

If you are running your own e-commerce business and if you know how to edit photos then you can edit your e-commerce photos by yourself using various apps. Photo editing apps such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, GIMP etc. give lots of options to you to edit your e-commerce photos like professionals. You can also go for a photo editing course before using those apps for editing. You can do every type of photo editing by those photo editing applications.

Background Removal

Background Removal

Background plays a vital role in any kind of photography. When you are willing to sell your e-commerce products through your e-commerce sites, you have to be careful in choosing the backgrounds of the product photos of your e-commerce company. Photo Background removal is a photo editing technique that you can use to remove or change the background. You might not get the best and suitable backgrounds while shooting your product photos. Background removal photo editing technique is the best option for you to get the backgrounds as per you want.

Ghost Mannequin

Ghost Mannequin

Invisible Ghost Mannequin Service means ghosting a mannequin. It means eliminating a mannequin from a clothing photograph. If you are running a clothing business online, it is very important for you to show all the details of your clothes to the customers online. A purchaser will only purchase the clothes online if he/she is able to understand the features and details.

Ghost mannequin photo editing technique will help you to eliminate the mannequin from your clothes and post your clothing photos without mannequin. Hence you will be able to shoe the inner and outer parts of your clothes to the customers.

Photo Retouching

Photo Retouching

Your product photos might have several flaws such as unwanted spots, blemishes, wrinkles etc. that makes your photos look unappealing. It results you to decrease the conversion rate and low sales or no sales at all.

Photo retouching is one photo editing technique that helps you to remove all the flaws from your e-commerce photos and make them look flawless. Photo retouching removes all the flaws as mentioned. Photo retouching not only remove the spots and blemishes but also it restores your damaged photos.

Color Correction

Color Correction

Color is an important element in every photograph. Specially, when you are doing an online business then you cannot upload your product photos that have color deficiency. Color correction photo editing technique is there to help you to get the best color of your product photos to upload online. Another thing in online business is, it is not possible to shoot one product of various colors.

It is costly and time consuming. But if you go for color correction services, then you can get one product photo in various colors as per your requirement. Yes, color correction technique can give you various color photos of one single product and also can fix the color of your photos for your e-commerce business.

Drop Shadow

Drop Shadow

Photos look best when it looks natural. When you look at a photograph as a viewer and you do not find it natural, there are possibilities that the photo has decreased the conversion rate. It is the same in case of e-commerce product photos. Drop shadow photo editing technique helps to add a natural element which is shadow.

A product of your e-commerce business also should look natural and drop shadow photo editing technique can make this wonder for you. So apply drop shadow photo editing to your product photos and create drop shadow, soft shadow, reflection shadow etc.

Multiple Clipping Path

Multiple Clipping Path

Just like clipping path/background removal, multiple clipping path also work for removing background. But here you can give multiple backgrounds or even one background to one product photo of yours.

Suppose you are having multiple products in one single photo, multiple clipping path creates clipping path over every product so that you can take off the background of every single product. Not only that, it selects multiple areas of your product photos and separates all the items from each other.

360-Degree Photo Editing

360 Degree Photo Editing

When customers decides to purchase a product online, they wants to see the products from all the angles. Sometimes it is impossible to put product photos from every angle. 360-degree photo editing helps you to show all the angles in one single photo. In 360-degree photo editing, it helps the photos to rotate so that it shows all the angles of the product in one photo.

This is the most creative editing you can to with your product photos. The benefits you get for this is like, your conversion rate will go up and the interest in your products will be raised by the customers.

Image Manipulation

Image Manipulation

Image manipulation is the most magical photo editing technique you can ever use. This is a photo editing technique that helps your product photos to look superb in photos. It is the mixture of different elements, different background, different effects altogether. Adding different elements in a photo and making it a single photo is named as image manipulation. It will definitely attract the customers if you post image manipulation product photos in your e-commerce websites. So go for it and see the conversion rate after that.

Hire Photo Editing Service Providers

Hire Photo Editing Service Providers

You may not be good at photo editing or might not have time for editing photos by yourself. So the best option for you is to hire photo editing service providers online. The are many photo editing service providers online that gives you services like clipping path, photo retouching, color correction, drop shadow, ghost mannequin, image manipulation, resizing and many more. Go to internet, and search for image editing service providers. You will get many options. Go to their website and check out their works and then choose the best one for you.


Mastering the art of ecommerce photo editing is essential for creating compelling visuals that attract and retain customers. By focusing on high-quality images, consistent branding, and attention to detail, businesses can significantly enhance their online presence. Effective editing techniques, such as optimizing lighting, enhancing colors, and ensuring clarity, can transform ordinary product photos into powerful sales tools.

Additionally, utilizing advanced software and staying updated with the latest trends ensures that your images remain competitive and relevant. Ultimately, well-edited photos not only showcase your products in the best light but also build trust and credibility with your audience, driving engagement and boosting sales.

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